About Us

Low dimensional materials and the unique structures built from them has a variety of new exotic properties beyond traditional materials. We hope to produce low dimensional materials and their artificial structures in a sizable and controllable way. Our ultimate goal is to use these materials to provide novel platforms for next-generation information processing, light processing, and quantum devices. In order to do that, we need to unravel their static and dynamical electronic, magnetic and photonic properties, using the cutting edge characterization techniques including optical and photoemission spectroscopy. We are an experimental material / physical chemistry group. Welcome to join us!


What we do or plan to do

Light-induced dynamics in low dimensional artificial lattices

Light-induced dynamics in low dimensional artificial lattices

We aim to probe dynamics in artificial structures constructed from low dimensional materials with time, energy, and momentum information from various pump probe techniques.

Production of macroscopic 2D structures

Production of macroscopic 2D structures

We aim to develop high throughput methods to create monolayer single crystal artificial structures, which will enable novel photonic, magnetic, or electronic properties along the edge states or heterostructures.

Lightwave manipulation with low dimensional structures

Lightwave manipulation with low dimensional structures

Low dimensional crystals has prominent nonlinear optical behavior which can be used to manipulate light wave in multiple different way.

Meet the team

Principal Investigators


Fang Liu

Stanford University

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Hobbies: Baking and Planting



Amalya Johnson

Ph.D Student, Materials Science & Engineering

Hobbies: Soccer and Reading, Favorite Book: The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison


Ashley Saunders

Ph.D Student, Physical Chemistry

Hobbies: Singing and Knitting, Favorite color: Emerald green


Gregory Zaborski Jr.

Ph.D. Candidate, Materials Science & Engineering

Hobbies: Sports and cooking.


Samuel Lai

Ph.D. Student, Materials Science & Engineering
